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Loss Prevention          

Secure your property, improve your profits and gain more peace of mind by implementing the powers of psychological deterrence, pro-active and reactive management as it applies to everyone associated with your business... employees, vendors, service personnel, customers, tenants, guests and outsiders.

Deter and record criminal activity such as loitering, shoplifting, property damage, burglary, robbery, violence, theft and fraud including employee related losses which can account for 2 - 5% or more in net loss.  A recent National Fraud Examiner's Report to the Nation stated over $660 Billion was stolen by employee theft and fraud and is increasing by 15% per year. Vendor theft can account for 15% of losses. Only 1 out of 48 shoplifters get caught.

Enforce policies and procedures with random spot checks whether you are on or off site .
Deter negative behaviors and assure compliance with daily operations including: opening/closing, time clock entries, shipping/receiving, quality/quantity of work, inventory controls, transaction processing, customer service and "up" selling... ultimately improving individual accountability as your employees will think you could be watching anytime.

Address liability issues such as worker's compensation, personal injury or other types of claims. You might receive a reduction in insurance premiums, prevent false claims or prevent an increase or assessment by invalidating or minimizing false or overstated claims.

Take time off to do the things that require your attention away from your business and enjoy life.  

Click Here for a Loss Prevention Analysis Worksheet

Questions to ask yourself...  

  • Where am I vulnerable to losses in my business? 

  • How much money am I losing now? 

  • What is my exposure to future losses?

  • Is it likely that my employees work less when they are not immediately supervised? 

  • What does lack of productivity cost me? How much do I spend in payroll dollars for wasted down time?

  • Would I like to improve their quality and quantity of work?

  • What method is used to track time and attendance? Could someone log in / out someone else?

  • Is it possible or likely my employees could steal cash, supplies, product or anything else?

  • Would I like to improve employee relationships?

  • How are my customers treated? 

  • Are my salespeople really trying to sell more?

  • Who else visits onsite… customers, vendors, delivery personnel, contractors and guests? 

  • Are there areas where they should / should not be?

  • How much do I lose due to shoplifting?

  • What could I learn by observing activity when I am NOT physically present?

  • What if someone made a claim… worker’s comp, slip and fall or other… could I verify or invalidate it?

  • What do I have in place to deter property damage or violence? 

  • What if there was an event? How would I react?

  • What do I have in place to deter all types of negative behaviors? Promote positive behaviors? Hold people accountable?

  • Would it be valuable to verify / spot check who comes and goes, at what times, for how long?

  • Would I like to be able to look in from time to time without the personal visit to see with my own eyes what really happens or happened?

  • How can I use all this information to improve my bottom line?

  • Does it make sense to reduce the opportunities that might otherwise be taken advantage of because the perception is such that someone thinks they could get away with "it"?

  • Do I understand that by implementing a psychological deterrence supported by a pro-active and reactive management system I will deter negative behavior and promote positive behavior, which in turn will ultimately improve my bottom line?

  • Would I consider investing in an easy-to-use, results-proven system provided by a reputable company?

  • Can I afford to make a reasonable investment or a monthly lease payment? 

  • Can I afford not to?

As an added value worth thousands of dollars, we will provide you with a comprehensive suite of customizable loss prevention and business management documents designed to help you manage your business with greater control.  You will have a complete program for employee awareness and accountability, which will help you keep more money in your pocket --instead of theirs.

These documents can be customized with your company logo and edited using Microsoft Word. 

You get:

·   Employee Application
·   Interview, Screening and Hiring Procedures
·   Introduction Letter to Employees
·   Employee Policy Handbook
·   Emergency Contact Form
·   Counseling Review Form
·   Daily Policies and Procedures
·   Incident Procedures and Forms

Each document is valuable on its own merits and together will help to prevent all types of losses including employee related and liability concerns. 

They are all available to you at no extra charge when you hire us to implement one of our video security camera systems.

To sum it up, you get the most comprehensive package at a reasonable price that will afford you an excellent return on investment. You get a complete Loss Prevention, Business Management and Security Solution supported by a company led by an experienced owner with a passion for excellence and a proven track record for delivering high quality and excellent service, so you can deter negative behaviors, assure positive behaviors, protect your profits and gain more peace of mind.

Contact us today to discuss your needs, wants and likes, so we can design a system for you!

 ©2008 First Alliance Protection Systems, Inc
Any unauthorized duplication is prohibited